
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Instincts: The Propelling Forces of the Personality

Instincts are the basic elements of the personality, the motivating forces that drive behavior and determine its direction. Instincts are a form of energy- transformed psychological energy- that connects the body’s needs with the mind wishes. Instincts, such as hunger and thirst; are internal. These instincts motivate person to behave in a way that satisfies the need. When the body is in a state of need, we become motivated to restore and maintain equilibrium by satisfying the need. These instincts are the source of energy for human behavior, but this energy may be expressed in a variety of interests, preferences, and attitudes. Types of Instincts: Freud grouped the instincts into two categories: life instincts and death instincts. Life instincts: the life instincts serve the purpose of survival of the individual and the species by seeking to satisfy the need for food, water, air and sex. These instincts are oriented toward growth and development. The psychic energy manifested by the life instincts is the libido. Basically Freud regarded sex as our primary motivation. People are predominantly pleasure seeking beings and much of his personality theory revolves around the necessity of inhibiting or suppressing our sexual longings. Death instincts: In opposition to the life instincts, Freud postulated the destructive or death instincts. Death instincts is the aggressive drive, describe as the wish to die turned against objects other than the self. The aggressive drive compels us to destroy, conquer and kill.

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