
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Field theory of Kurt Lewin

Field theory of personality was particularly presented by Kurt Lewin. It is systematic point of view in personality theory. It is closely related to Gestalt psychology, However, in it motivational and social factors are emphasized. According to this theory personality works in the psychological field which includes the individual life space or the space containing his actions. From the psychological viewpoint, the environment is that which is perceived by the individual in relations to his needs, goals and purposes. Therefore environment is very much selective, while some objects and persons are ignored, some considered of little importance, other are given much importance. The important object will have positive valence, it will be attractive. Other objects may be repulsive and thus having negative valance. The individual personality is shown in the life space as directed towards or away from objects by means of vectors or directed lines. A vector tends to produce movement towards or away from objects or persons. Sometimes activities are impeded by a bearer. This is particularly in conflict situation. Vector analysis, as developed by Lewin, was brought into the system in order to represent needs and motives. Tensions are general in motivational stages. Lewin used the rudiments of topology for mapping the life space an showing the individual, his goals and routs. His work was particularly appreciated so far as level of aspirations, regressive behavior, democratic versus authoritation conflicts are concerned.

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