
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Concrete objective character

It is a universal aspect of perception that will seem almost too obvious to mention. It is quite distinct from any of the aspects we have described, though it is related to them. Though it is not necessary to do so, let us approach the matter by beginning with sub threshold conditions. Suppose we are looking at some object, with a view to identifying it, under very brief exposures in a series of trails are then gradually lengthened or the illumination is gradually increased. We see at first a kind of reddish blur having a roundish form, but identification of the objects does not come. Exposure or illuminations are further increased and we try again. A number of trails without success or with misperceptions may occur. Then all at once, we recognize it. It is an apple. It is not a red circular disc, it not a beet or round red ball- but an apple. We can not say it is just color experience. It is not adequately characterized by its configurational or wholeness properties alone.

This aspect of perception is so universal and characteristic that it would be hard to find anything regarding the appearances of things that is more significant. Things and event appear to us not as mere qualities, dimensions or forms but as things and event. Concrete object character as we shall call it is a fundamental property of practically all our perceptions. 

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