
Saturday, March 8, 2014

Social Psychology applied in Psychology

The IAAp is the oldest worldwide association of scholars and practitioners, They Identifed some psychological field.
Topics of Study:

Social psychologists seek to unravel the mysteries of individual and social life in areas as wide-ranging as prejudice, romantic attraction, persuasion, friendship, helping, aggression, conformity, and group interaction. Although social psychology has traditionally focused on aspects of the individual, and social psychology on aspects of the situation, the two perspectives are tightly interwoven in psychological explanations of human behavior.

A Scientific Approach:
Social psychologists, observing our social worlds and trying to understand why people behave, think, and feel as they do. and social psychologists, Systematically observing and describing people's actions, measuring or manipulating aspects of social situations and they use the methods of science.

Basic and Applied Research:
Scientists in all fields distinguish between basic and applied research in psychology. Basic research in social psychology tends to focus on fundamental questions about people and their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
Applied research in social psychology focuses on more narrow arenas of human life, such as health, business, and law.

Career Options:
Social psychologists combine an understanding of human behavior with training in sophisticated research methods; they have many opportunities for employment. Many psychologists teach and do research in universities and colleges, housed mostly in departments of psychology but also in departments of business, education, political science, justice studies, law, health sciences, and medicine. The research of such individuals may be based in the laboratory, in the field, in the clinic, or in historical archives. Many personality and social psychologists are employed in the private sector as consultants, researchers, marketing directors, managers, political strategists, technology designers, and so on. Social psychologists also work in government and nonprofit organizations, designing and evaluating policy and programs in education, conflict resolution, environmental protection, and the like.

Becoming a Social Psychologist:
Although some social psychologists go to graduate school to earn a terminal masters degree (M.S. or M.A.), most seek a doctoral degree (Ph.D.). For some careers, a master’s degree may be sufficient. Generally, however, the doctorate is preferred by employers and is usually necessary for employment as a professor at a university or college.


Lewin K. (1951). Field Theory in social science, New york: Harper and Row.

Dorken,H.(1986), Professional Psychology in Transition, San Francisco:Joss-Bass.

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